Being social and mobile...

What does it mean for your business?

By Ryan Hogarth

Almost every business is aware that something is happening, something big; and they are aware in a rather vague way that it has something to do with them. Social and mobile; they are big and getting bigger and, do not be mislead, it has everything to do with you and your business.

The good news is that it is far less complicated and far less scary than all the buzz words make it seem. Every new advance cloaks itself in mystery with new, complicated sounding terms. It happened when the Internet was becoming a standard platform and it is the same with social and mobile. Conversation, engagement, content curation, inbound marketing and other catch phrases give the appearance of a technical and complicated field. Yet, at the base of it all is the simple and ancient human relationship.

Worrying about going social?

Let’s first deal with the issues that make ‘going social’ worrying. More than the mechanics of having and running a Facebook or Twitter account, is the mindset that comes with social, and the greatest shift in thinking is the issue of ‘control’. Brands, quite rightly, have always been obsessed with controlling their brand image. I’ve seen marketing people argue for an hour about where a logo should go on a T-shirt. In the social age we have to realise that we cannot control every aspect of our brand. Through social platforms consumers have the freedom to say what they want, about any brand they wish, to as many people as they have access to.

Instead of control, brands must focus on building trust. Trust is the new control and is built through transparency and credibility. When you are seen to be actively engaging and transparently dealing with customer problems or complaints and when you provide value to your community, they naturally come to trust you. If you try just to sell to them they will run for the digital hills. If you are trusted by your community you will have at least some control.

The next issue is one of resources. While the platforms are all free, employing people to look after your social presence is not; and neither is the time it takes to build a community that trusts you. In as far as it is possible, it is advisable to have a person (or team) dedicated to the task rather than simply amending the Receptionist’s job description to include Facebook.

Probably the most important issue and biggest discussion point surrounding social media is return on investment (ROI). What are we getting for all this effort? Measuring progress is critical. How else can you tell if it’s been worth it? How can you tell if your efforts in social media are successful and we are not just talking about the number of followers? What percentage of contacts are going to your website and how many of those are being converted to sales? Is your community sharing your content? These are just a few aspects that can be measured.

There is, however, no getting around the fact that going social and mobile is an imperative for every business. The longer a business delays, the further out of touch they become.

We must understand that consumers (and that includes you and I) have changed the way they interact with commerce, the way they buy. We have all learned to dislike advertising and ‘being sold’. We want brands to be there when we need them and to provide what we need at our convenience; and more and more of this interaction is taking place on our mobile devices. Our smart phones are the key to the world; we literally have a world of knowledge in our hands and we are connected to that knowledge and our networks all the time. When we shop, we consult our friends and followers; when we buy, we inform our friends and followers.

Simply put, you should be doing the following:
·         Be active on social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter as a minimum and others as your confidence and results grow.
·         Your website must be optimised for mobile – your customers need full access to your website through their smartphones and devices.
·         Being ‘active’ means having quick turnaround times when attending to customer enquiries and/or providing information about your brand to your followers.
Once you are actively engaging, you will see the world of opportunity that exists in the social space and you will wonder how you ever did business any other way.

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