VALUATION vs PRICE - What is business really worth?
If valuation does not equal purchase price, what is a business really worth? By Bob Power On the subject of business valuation it is important to remember that there is no standard method for valuing a business and no single ‘correct’ answer as to how much a business is worth. A mentor of mine once said “There is no correct method for valuing a business; due diligence, negotiation experience, judgement, ‘business nose’ and horse-trading skills all have an important impact on the final outcome.” I also once attended a business seminar where 15 of us were each given a set of financials and instructed to valuate the business. The result was 15 different valuations based on the same set of financials. There are, however, criteria common to all business enterprises which enable basic valuation rules to be formulated. Whether buying or selling, I have rarely concluded a deal on the value calculated by an auditor or adviser. Any valuation is no more than a guideline and the price eve...