Thousands of small businesses use Standard Bank’s back-to-basics start-up tool
Just five months in, BizLaunch sees strong take up by SMEs wanting to start right Over 20 000 small businesses have opened BizLaunch accounts in the since Standard Bank introduced the initiative in April, aimed at helping small businesses get started properly and reduce start-up failure rates in South Africa. Clive Pintusewitz, head of Small Enterprise and Enterprise Development at Standard Bank, says it’s gratifying to see that entrepreneurs are taking advantage of and benefitting from the offering. “Too often, in spite of everyone agreeing that small business is essential to the health of the economy, people with good ideas are confronted with hurdles and bureaucracy,” says Mr Pintusewitz, “The take up of Bizlaunch shows that small business are keen for banking solutions that directly address their needs.” “Priorities for a new business are simple: register the business, keep track of cash in and cash out, pay suppliers, deposit funds into a business bank account, and get...