Is it riskier than ever to start a business?

Gugu Mjadu As 2016 nears an end many begin to re-evaluate the year that was, both personally and professionally. As a result this is typically the time of the year new life and professional goals are developed. This is also characteristically a time when hopeful entrepreneurs consider whether the approaching year is the correct time to pursue their business idea. This is according to Gugu Mjadu, spokesperson for the 2016 Entrepreneur of the Year® competition sponsored by Sanlam and BUSINESS/PARTNERS , who says that many aspiring entrepreneurs spend the festive season break considering possible business ventures, and questioning whether the risk of leaving their steady nine-to-five job to start an entrepreneurial business will be worth it. Mjadu says that this is a valid contemplation given the current economic and market landscape, which may create more hesitation than inspiration where entrepreneurship is concerned. “In an economy awash with threats of investment ratings downg...