Hard times ahead, but also great opportunities

Business owners who steered their enterprises through the financial crash that started in 2008 may experience a familiar dread when they look at the storm clouds gathering on the 2016 business horizon. This is according to Nazeem Martin, Managing Director of Business Partners Limited (BUSINESS/PARTNERS) who says that a number of factors point towards the possibility that 2016 may be as tough for business owners as 2008 and 2009 was, while others factors suggest it could be less turbulent. “Similar to the situation in 2008, the South African economy is at the mercy of adverse global economic forces. Growth in China is at a 25-year low, and with it the prices of commodities. Europe is still struggling to recover from the last crash and even positive developments seem to conspire against us: the recovery of the US economy is pushing up interest rates there, pulling investments away from emerging markets such as ours. “Locally, South Africa's worst drought in a century is boun...