Franchising agreement - Licensing agreement Is there a difference?

Morne Cronje Franchising has become a popular business model across the world and over the years, South Africa has produced home-grown franchises such as Steers, Wimpy Sorbet, to name but a few - which have become household names. Equally, there are a number of license-based agreements which offer businesses an opportunity to offer specific products or services to their market. Morne Cronje, Head of Franchising at FNB Business says, “It is essential to understand the difference between a franchising agreement and a licensing agreement, especially when seeking funding from a financial services provider. Each business model is governed by a completely different agreement or contract and they operate in a unique way.” Cronje says some of the key distinguishing factors are as follows: Franchising Franchising can be best described as a duplication of a specific business model, which is governed or controlled by means of a Franchise agreement. The Franchisor h...