The social media brand battle heats up

Who should ‘own’ your brand in the social media space? By Craig Rodney Managing your brand in the online and social media space is a daunting enough task, but when you add in the complexities of the franchisee and franchisor relationship, you soon find that there does not appear to be a ‘right’ answer to the question “Who should ‘own’ your brand in the social media space?” In very basic terms, should a brand have a single presence on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc, or should each franchisee be allowed to create their own profiles to represent the brand? Unfortunately, the answer is not that simple because a brand, in the online social space, is the furthest thing from a corporate logo. Your brand is the collective of everything people say about you – their feelings towards you, their collective experiences and, importantly, their engagements with your online personality. Whether you like it or not, conversations about you and your products are happening all the t...