Business Rescue – What every business owner should know

By applying the tools and protection provided for in the Companies Act written into law last year, business owners can manage their business risks and rescue it before they hit rock bottom. By Juan Engelbrecht Donald Trump, whose successes and failures have been widely published, described his second Chapter 11 reorganisation in terms of the US bankruptcy code as a sign of success, not failure. On his return to Apple, Steve Jobs faced a huge task to turn the business around and build it to the richest company in the world. Closer to home Whitey Basson had turned an ailing Checkers brand into a powerhouse retailer with R72-billion sales per annum. In South Africa there is a certain stigma attached to insolvency as it is generally regarded as a sign of failure and insolvent debtors are often suspected of being reckless, dishonest or both. This view, however, may be changing as more high profile businesses apply for business rescue as a means of avoiding liquidation. An exampl...