The Courier Guy Announces Franchise Winner

At a cocktail function held at The Courier Guy Depot in Kya Sands on Wednesday August 1st, the winner was announced of the “Win a Courier Guy Franchise” Competition.

During May this year, The Courier Guy, partnered with FASA and ABSA to give away Franchise during the IFE. The competition, which was part of a partnership promotion with FASA and Independent Newspapers, offered readers the opportunity to own their own Franchise. The competition attracted close to 700 entries. Entrants had to provide their CV and a motivation as to why they want to be a Franchisee. 25 Finalists were selected and invited to an information afternoon with ABSA Franchising and The Courier Guy. The finalists then had to complete the ABSA application for finance and compiled a business plan. The Courier Guy and ABSA then worked through the documentation received and placed them as follows:
Tumelo F Modiba  Winner

Aubrey Koekemoer 2nd Place

Abi Peloeahae 3rd Place

For the winner, The Courier Guy waived the Franchise Sign-On Fee and guaranteed a five-year Franchise Agreement. A guaranteed supplementary income of R25 000 pm for the first 12 months is also part of the prize, provided all terms and conditions of the franchise agreement are complied with. ABSA also stepped in to give working capital and to finance a delivery vehicle.

Stephen Gleisner, managing member of The Courier Guy, announced at the ceremony that The Courier Guy will discount the Franchise Sign-On Fee for the two runners up by 50% to which Henk Botha of ABSA added that they immediately proceed with applications for their finance.

According to Helga Steenkamp, Franchise Manager of The Courier Guy, the promotion was a great success and the quality of entries very good.
left to right Douglas Corbet Financial Director TCG
Tumelo  Modiba  Winner
Stephen Gleisner Managing Director TCG
Helga Steenkamp Franchise Manager TCG
Aubrey Koekemoer 2nd, Tumelo  Modiba  Winner, Abi Peloeahae 3rd


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